sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2013

Mudança de instalações

No passado dia 30 de Junho deixámos as instalações na Rua de Antero de Quental.
Continuamos a prestar todos os serviços, mas com algumas adaptações às novas circunstâncias: os contactos iniciais para pedido de informações, orçamentos ou serviços deve ser feito por email ou por telemóvel:

Após este contacto, serão fornecidas todas as informações necessárias. Caso seja necessário, dado trabalharmos preferencialmente pela internet, indicaremos um local para reunião.
Esperamos poder continuar com a vossa preferência.

4 comentários:

  1. As I have said this company is fraudulent, and scams you out of your money...It is all over the net so deleting a post will not help your reputation. Good business is a must and you are bad for peoples wallets.


  2. As I have said this company is fraudulent, and scams you out of your money...It is all over the net so deleting a post will not help your reputation. Good business is a must and you are bad for peoples wallets.So please be aware..


  3. I read in the paper that they had been taken to court? shame..Hope they got what's coming to them...Very sad when fraud is involved, is there no honest people around any more?

    Karen Wright..

  4. Hi Karen
    I have a friend who lives in the north of Portugal, tecto treated her so badly.. charged her for logos at an exuberant rate..the so called Boss Teresa Cunha was horrible to her! Every one knows what she was like, especially to work for her! Horrible person!

